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  • Klamath River restoration campaign passes another milestone

    The upper Klamath Basin. Over the past year, TU’s long involvement in the campaign to restore the Klamath River and its salmon and steelhead runs paid dividends as this three-pronged effort passed several major milestones. TU’s staff and grassroots in both California and Oregon have played integral roles in this progress. Most recently, the Klamath…

  • Making small talk

    One of my co-workers always likes to start a conversation talking about the weather. Usually it happens in the dead of winter. He lives in Arizona. I live in Montana. "How's the winter?" he will ask. "Oh. Cold. Minus 20 yesterday. The same today." He'll laugh and I will huddle closer to the fire, waiting…

  • Why 50/50 on the water?

    Any fly fisher can understand that increasing participation in the craft can help create more advocates for the resources we all love. And the largest opportunity for growth in fly fishing rests with women. At last check, women make up about 25 percent of the fly-fishing population. Orvis, as you'll see in the short…

  • Tourist season

    A rider in the Tobacco Root Mountains We love having visitors in Montana. For one, it's a huge driver for our economy—we've got an obscenity of riches when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities and were I to live anywhere else, Montana is where I'd long to be. But by the end of July, after…

  • Spend time with the future

    Hunter and Alliegh getting it done Every year Trout Unlimited brings together 20-30 teenagers from all over the country for a teen summit. They are mostly veterans of TU youth camps. This year’s group met at Georgetown Lake in Montana. It is not a one-and-done experience for them. After the summit, they commit to serving…

  • Restore the core

    The Rock Creek watershed It looks like an out-of-place slip-and-slide placed into a meadow alongside a tributary of Rock Creek. It is, in fact, a fish screen. Like so many western trout streams, Rock Creek and its tributaries are important sources of irrigation for farmers and ranchers.  In the past, many irrigators would dam a…