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  • What does ‘Yes on One’ really mean for Alaska’s salmon?

    By: Eric Booton The November 6th general election is rapidly approaching, and with every day that passes defenders of salmon habitat are working hard to distribute the truth to Alaskan voters. To keep it simple, we’d like to boil it down to the basics of what a “yes” or “no” vote means to our supportive…

  • Yellow perch … in Yellowstone?

    Yellow perch were discovered in Goose Lake inside Yellowstone National Park in 1919. Photo by Wikimedia Commons. Wait. Don't panic. There aren't any yellow perch inside the boundaries of Yellowstone National Park. At least not anymore. I'm in the final throes of researching a book on the wild trout of Yellowstone that'll hit bookshelves next…

  • Pinks and steelhead

    Pink salmon in its spawning phase. Fall is in the air and it’s time to get on the river. But first, let’s give our steelhead IQs another booster shot.. This week we have a guest writer and scientist, Colin Bailey, a PhD student studying fisheries science at Simon Fraser University under Jonathan Moore (Moore is…

  • The caddis: ‘The most dishonest fly ever’

    Big trout won't chase adult caddis as much as they will go after emerging caddis that are still in the water. Tom Rosenbauer doesn't like caddis flies. OK. Maybe you need some background. I'm in snowy Island Park, Idaho, for a couple of days this week to drop in on the School of Trout, a…

  • The Last Steelhead

    Longtime angling author, steelhead aficionado, TROUT Magazine contributor and musician Chris Santella has created a novel way to publicize the plight of wild steelhead. Santella's new rock opera, The Last Steelhead, looks at the factors contributing to the decline of wild steelhead runs and “the attitudes surrounding our behaviors and policies that seem to be…

  • Oregon Wildlands Act passes out of committee

    Last week, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act celebrated its 50th year as law of the land. Also last week, the Oregon Wildlands Act sponsored by Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley passed out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Thge Oregon Wildlands Act would protect 108,000 new acres of Wilderness in…