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  • Fly of the week: Half and Half

    I have a secret. I’ve never fished in saltwater. I’ve just never had a chance. In fact, I’ve barely fished in the ocean at all. However, I recently moved to a new house just a few blocks from Lake Michigan, and not far from a handful of renowned carp flats — which I’ve been told…

  • Happy public lands month!

    Trout Unlimited launches month-long celebration of public lands September is #publiclandsmonth Trout Unlimited is devoting the month of September to celebrating America's public lands and diving into the issues facing our hunting and fishing heritage. Starting Sept. 1, we will be taking the entire month to reflect on the connection we have to America’s public…

  • Travel

    Veterans Service Partnership Couples Trip to Slough Creek!

    The Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership (TU VSP) will host the annual TU VSP veteran couples trip to Slough Creek and Yellowstone Park from September 1-7. Veteran couples were chosen from nominations submitted by TU VSP chapters from around the US and from alumni veteran couples who have participated on previous VSP trips. The upcoming…

  • Projects in Driftless area informing approaches to future efforts

    By Duke Welter TU and partners continue to work together to improve trout streams — and to improve trout fishing — in the Driftless Area. Lessons learned along the way are being used to inform future efforts. Kiap-TU-Wish Trout Unlimited, Wisconsin DNR, NRCS and other TUDARE partners recently completed a project on the Trimbelle River…

  • One TU in Action on Vermont’s Mettawee River

    What makes Trout Unlimited such a powerful force in conservation across the country is not our expertise in river restoration, led by the world's best and most committed staff. It's not our 420 local chapters and state councils, led by over 4,000 passionate volunteers who marshal our 300,000 members and supporters to take care of local streams, engage…