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  • The TU Annual Meeting and the Carr Fire

    Photo by Josh Edelson, Getty Images As of this morning, the Carr Fire is still raging in Shasta County, California, not far from our Annual Meeting location. The fire is large, hot and unpredictable. However, some progress was made over the weekend, and the city appears to be out of imminent danger. The fire is…

  • Tackling the Anchorage casting course

    Six years ago, I felt accomplished if I was able to cast a fly past my feet without snagging the brush behind me or creating an impressively complicated bird’s nest. With practice, time, an observing eye, and a tip or two, my cast has come a long way—though I know it still has a way…

  • Which pro athletes are the best anglers?

    Paul Deeter and "Chuck Nazty," the Colorado Rockies all-star center fielder. I’ve been very lucky to have had opportunities to fish with some sports professionals over the years. And while they all have some great stories to tell and are mostly really fun to be on the water with, I have to tell you that…

  • Voices: I-186 reminds us we all live downstream

    Above: Sun filters down on the mountain town of Pony, Montana By Shauna Stephenson Each year, just about the time the poppies explode in meadow of the gold mine owner's abandoned mansion, just when the quiet main street goes from ghostly to just a little more alive and the occasional tourist totters up to the…

  • TU lauds new public lands bill for NW California

    The northwest corner of California, between the Russian and Klamath Rivers, is home to some of the best remaining salmon and steelhead streams in the West. This region boasts some of the most famous steelhead fisheries in the world, including the Trinity, Mad, Mattole, and Eel River systems . Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project…

  • TU Five Rivers Odyssey: A future for salmon and Bristol Bay students

    Photos courtesy Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. Teaching young adults about the significance of salmon conservation is one of the best methods to ensure our fishy friends’ existence in the future. Corporations and non-profit organizations in Alaska have teamed up to make sure that this effort goes full send. The Bristol Bay Fly…