Soccer … and carp fishing
Ten years ago, I wrote a story for Field & Stream magazine titled “Carp Crazy”, wherein the premise was basically that carp fishing was like soccer in that the rest of the world is stark, raving mad about it, but most Americans don’t get it (or don’t want to). It was a cool story, not…
TU secures $104K grant for NY stream crossing project
By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited has been awarded a grant of more than $100,000 for flood resilience work and river restoration work in New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos recently announced $316,767 in grant funding for three projects to help reduce localized flooding and restore aquatic habitats in…
Charlie and the hat
Editor's note: The following was inspired by the "A dog's life" blog post last week. I have a black lab named Charlie and she is a great hunting and fishing dog. Charlie comes from great retrieving stock and I worked hard on a daily basis to teach her the game. She was about two when…
Gear test: Chaco Teton boots
Just a few years ago, and while still in my 30s, I was required to have both of my hips replaced as the result of arthritis and overuse. My ankles, unfortunately, are in about the same shape as my hips. Rolled ankles, sprains and softball sized swelling are maladies with which I’ve become all too…
Gear test: Sage SPECTRUM MAX reel
Heavy duty fly reels, particularly for saltwater angling, need to perform in some intense situations. Bigger and stronger fish violently pull line from reels, and in hot, humid and salty conditions, a big-game reel needs to be able to withstand the elements, too. Most anglers who've ventured to the salt to chase anything from bonefish…
TU in Action: Stream restoration in Pennsylvania; fish passage on the Weber; brookies back in Tennessee, and more
TU is working with conservation parnters in Tennesee to reintroduce native brook trout in Little Stony Creek. Editor's note: TU volunteers are in the news every single day. Here are just a few examples of how TU's volunteers are making fishing better this week. The Doc Fritchey Chapter of Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania is about…
Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument turns 18
Eighteen years ago, on June 9, 2000, President Bill Clinton signed a proclamation that designated 52,947 acres of federal land as the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in southern Oregon. Known for its incredible biodiversity, Cascade-Siskiyou is home to blacktail deer, Roosevelt elk, cougars, and a remarkable variety of other species. In 2017, President Barack Obama expanded…