TU’s Rene Henery appointed to water networking group
Rene Henery with a fine Central Oregon steelhead. Rene Henery, Science Director for TU’s California Program, has many highlights on his resume. Program Manager with Amazon.com in the company’s start-up years. PhD in Eco-Geography from the University of California at Davis. Part-time Research Professor at the University of Nevada, Reno. Big taimen on the fly…
Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Dan Michels
All photos courtesy of Crystal Creek Lodge facebook page. You can't miss the sign that says, "Do you love this place? We need your help. Ask us how," when you walk up to Crystal Creek Lodge, in King Salmon. This is a model for how Dan Michels is as a businessman and a person. Dan…
Lining the way to fish recovery
Photo: Yakima River/Guenther Media How do you find extra water for farmers and fish? In Washington, it requires lots of heavy equiment.Historically, Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) in Ellensburg, Washington has needed the full capacity of its canals to deliver irrigation water to its Kittitas County farmers. As water moved through KRD’s system a portion was…
Sponsor a native trout in the Race up Rock Creek
Every spring, fluvial cutthroat congregate in healthy tributaries of the Clark Fork River to begin their long journey up the stream to spawn – with some fish known to swim more than 100 miles in several weeks. The lengthening daylight, rising water levels and warming water temperatures trigger the upstream cutthroat migration for spawning. Before…
TU in Action: Better dam sites in Colorado; TIC students releasing trout; saving Sammamish kokanee, and more
A settlement that could move a dam to a better location than beneath the Maroon Bells might be reached in Colorado. Wikipedia photo. Editor's note: Every day, all across America, TU volunteers are working in their local watersheds to improve habitat, water quality and angler opportunity. We're starting a new weekly feature here on the…
Vote for the best amateur fly fishing film
RIO products is sponsoring its annual Amateur Fly Fishing Film Awards to encourage novice filmmakers to document fishing adventures through video, and voting is now live for the general public. The company is hosting several amateur fly fishing films on its website, all of which are free to view. There are two categories in which…
Montana ballot initiative a no-brainer
The mess Montana taxpayers get to pay to clean up. If you pay taxes and drink water, voting for I-186 on the November ballot in Montana should be a no-brainer. But more than that, if you have a child or a grandchild or just plain want to make sure that future generations of Montanans don’t…