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  • Boats

    When lottery season ends

    Three words have stuck in the back of my mind since I’ve started playing the permit game for river rafting. Post-permit season and for that matter pre-permit season, too. Here’s what I mean. Each year some of the biggest and most coveted river trips throughout the western United States are permitted via a traditional lottery…

  • Angler Conservation Program Advocacy Conservation Government Affairs Public Lands Month

    TU and National Parks Conservation Association call for modernizing oil and gas leasing

    Millions of Americans are spending more time exploring the waters we fish, the national parks we enjoy and wild places near and far. The benefits of these activities are numerous and they breathe life into the many local economies that depend on booming outdoor recreation — this year more so than ever. At the same…

  • When the monsoons finally come

    My son was invited on a boating trip to celebrate a pal’s birthday. The original plan featured a lake about an hour away, but since that one had dried up, they drove three hours farther to a reservoir near the Texas border. It’s flat out there on the plains, but back here in Santa Fe,…

  • Unique partnership spurs effort to restore Alaskan salmon stream

    Resurrection Creek, on the north end of the Kenai Peninsula near the community of Hope, still shows scars from placer mining that occurred more than 100 years ago

    By Austin Williams  Many anglers think of Alaska as pristine and untouched, and, while much of it is, it also has a long and rich history of resource development that contributes to the culture, character and camaraderie still present at the core of many Alaska communities.    More than a century ago, salmon canneries and fish…

  • I have the world’s best fishing dog

    Tahoe is the world's best fishing dog. The perfect mix of Labrador, pit bull and some who-knows-what hunting dog, his genetic make-up sets him up for fishing success from the start. His Lab parts like being in the water, his pitty parts prefer perching on a stream-side rock, and his hunter instincts provide him just…

  • Boats


    Milestones. Like shifting winds off the canyon walls, they come and go without warning. While often more prevalent when we are younger, milestones appear easier to recognize as we age. A couple of weeks ago, without notice, one happened. On the drive back from the river, I announced it to my wife, who was quietly…