Book review: From Lure to Fly
I can't count the times I've heard someone tell me something along the lines of, "I've always wanted to learn how to fly fish, but I have no idea where to start and no one to teach me." This phrase, or one a lot like it, usually comes from spin-cast or baitcast anglers who, in…
2017 Sweepstakes Winners
Grand Prize: Michael W. (CA) First Prize: Michael K. (NY) Second Prize: James W. (AR) & Nathan P. (PA) Third Prize: Michael P. (CA), Janet J. (CO), & Gregory A. (CA) Fourth Prize: Clayton B. (CA), Mark J. (ME), & Eric M. (PA) Fifth Prize: Troy R. (CO), Henry H. (WI), Kathy S. (MN), Thomas…
Great Lakes Stream Restoration program makes big gains in 2017
By Laura MacFarland In 2017, Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers helped to reconnect 42 miles of coldwater habitat within the Peshti go River watershed in Northern Wisconsin, as part of TU’s Great Lakes Restoration Program. In collaboration with the Forest Service and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 10 inadequate culverts were replaced with fish-friendly…
Get loopy
By Kirk Deeter I go through cycles when it comes to fly selection. I once spent an entire summer fishing only five patterns, just to test the theory that presentation matters more than the fly pattern itself. I didn’t draw any conclusions, but I caught plenty of trout. For the record, those patterns were: Olive…
New rules enhance water quality protections for NF Smith River
The North Fork of the Smith River. Dean Finnerty knows good steelhead water when he sees it. Finnerty, a lifelong resident of Oregon and longtime fishing guide, says the headwaters of the fabled Smith River are "some of the best habitat for wild steelhead, anywhere." Indeed, the remarkably lucid green waters of the Kalmiopsis region…
Learning about the little moments that really matter at TU Camp
Teen essay contest winnter Harrison B. fishing with a volunteer at the Trout Unlimited camp. Editor's Note: Each year, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest to share camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Harrison's e ssay is the final to be posted in this…
Fly shops—a blinding flash of the obvious
By Walt Gasson We do surveys at TU. We ask questions and TU members give us answers. We use those answers to guide the things we do. That’s a good thing. TU is a membership-driven organization. That’s one of the things I love about working here. But once in a while, we ask a survey…