
Video spotlight | Page 17

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Arctic Char in Baffin Bay

    The Arctic char of Nunavut, the northern-most Canadian territory that lies just west of Greenland across Baffin Bay, are amazing fish. They cruise into rivers and streams running into the Arctic Ocean on tidal flows starting in the summer, and they are aggressive eaters. In the fall, just like their char cousins, the Dolly Varden,…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Biot Basics

    Fly-tying materials, particularly for new tiers, can be confounding. And it doesn't help when professional tiers go all out with exotic materials that are both expensive and super hard to find. But some materials are easy to get a hold of, and, with some advice from seasoned tiers, can be put to use right away,…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Out of Office

    Some of my favorite fishing adventures have involved the wonderful people I work with at Trout Unlimited. From thigh-busting hikes into the canyons of Colorado's Roan Plateau, the lubricated walk-and-wade excursions into the Wyoming Range backcountry, fishing with my co-workers–some of my dearest friends—always seems more ... productive. Yeah, we talk shop. We take in…