
Video spotlight | Page 19

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Dedication

    Count yourself among the luckiest people in the world today, because when everything is right in the fly-fishing world, everything is damn near perfect. Think back to those epic days. Lots of fish. Trout on top (or bass or pike on poppers ... or bonefish coming at you in waves. You get the idea), perfect…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Catch and Cook Carp

    Nearly two decades ago, I caught my first carp on a fly. I can honestly say that, since that day, my angling life has never been the same. Carp are strong, smart and plentiful. They are a challenging fly-rod fish and in many places, anglers can sight-fish for them, much like they do for bonefish…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Last Call

    For most anglers, the Yellowstone River through Paradise Valley is a mythic body of water—a dream to float and fish and experience, and for most, the chances to do so rarely come along. It's sweeping bends, deep pools and tailouts that collect spent mayflies and create a buffet worthy of the river's storied trout are…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Creeking

    Of all the types of fly fishing, from the flats of the tropics to the steelhead and salmon rivers of the coastal north, my favorite is what I've always called "blue lining." I love small mountain streams on public lands—places where anyone can visit with a fly rod and, often, not see another angler for…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: High Country Cutthroat

    Featuring Heather Hodson of United Women on the Fly, this great new Todd Moen film shows why those of us who live in the West absolutely love native cutthroat trout. These are the fish that always seem to be looking up, always seem to be hungry and, when we're chasing them, the wallpaper is pretty…