
Video spotlight | Page 25

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Easy rigging for sharks

    A few weeks back, I was lucky enough to spend several days on the Mayan Riviera, way south along the Mexican border with Belize. I was chasing bonefish and permit, mainly, but I tied a few flies for bigger, toothier critters—sharks and barracuda. I'm of the mind that, because I was prepared for these fish,…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Dragon Tail Flies

    When I saw the video below, one part of me couldn't help from thinking that Dragon Tail flies might be the coolest thing to happen to fly tying since the Chernobyl. Another part of me was fairly certain that Dragon Tails amount to an acceptible form of "cheating." Video of Dragon Tail FliesAs you'll see…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Art of the Mini-adventure

    Often, when we have kids, life takes a turn that leads us away from the outdoors and the adventures we experienced before they arrived and changed our lives. The video below from Orvis is a reminder that having children doesn't mean we have to forego the fun we've always enjoyed outdoors. Video of ORVIS Presents:…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The non-slip mono loop

    In recent years, the non-slip mono loop has become my favorite knot for tying flies to tippet—I use it for trout, for carp and just a week or so ago, I used it on Chetumal Bay for bonefish. I'm rarely disappointed in its performance, and it's just as easy to tie as other traditional knots.…