
Video spotlight | Page 27

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Viva Libre

    The Orvis Co. is one of America's great success stories. Not only is it a conscientious corporation that works hard to understand what its customers want, but it does so with the understanding that, without intact habitat, clean water and access to wild country, its business model would be in trouble. Orvis has been a…

  • Video spotlight

    Video Spotlight: The Bighorn: River at Risk

    When is too much water a bad thing for a river and its economy? Montana's fabled Bighorn River is struggling these days thanks to a flawed water management strategy that is having a serious impact the wild trout fishery below Yellowtail Dam. There's simply too much water in the river, almost all the time, and…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Rockport Resilient

    There's a great little redfish flat situated behind the airport in Rockport, Texas. A few years back, I did a strange dance with an 8-foot gator on that flat, working back to the shore from about 100 yards out in the mostly clear water as the reptile eyed me from an increasingly close distance. When…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Tasmania

    The first trout introduced to the Southern Hemisphere weren't brought to New Zealand. Or Argentina or Chile. Or South Africa. They were brought to the mountainous, maritime island off the south coast of Australia: Tasmania. Video of Tasmania, Australia Fly Fishing by Todd MoenTodd Moen captures just some of the beauty of Tasmania in his…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Detecting the grab

    Steelhead season is well under way up and down the West Coast, but here in Idaho, on the Salmon River, the season is on a bit of an unofficial hiatus until March or April. The Salmon is a legitimate steelhead hotspot all throughout the fall, but by the time late December and January come around,…