
Video spotlight | Page 28

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: A Tale of Three Trout

    I love fishing trips with a purpose. Here in the West, particularly in our backcountry streams, fly fishers can target specific species of trout and char just by choosing a destination. Wild rainbows? Try a great little creek that flows west off the Gallatin Range near the town of Ennis, Mont. Browns? Hit the Bear…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: River Krusnica

    Fly fishing trophy hunters are all about traveling to far-flung places to chase big fish. Heck, we just highlighted a pair of videos that focus on chasing giant browns and rainbows in New Zealand, where both species of trout are interlopers in Kiwi waters. And then there's Patagonia, where big trout swim in rivers where…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Catching cruising trout

    As noted in the video below, "cruising trout are feeding trout." When we see pods of trout working certain stretches of the river, it's tough to keep our cool sometimes. The prospect of an afternoon spent wandering a small stretch of river while catching several trout is pretty appealing, right? Video of How to Catch…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Pure New Zealand, parts I and II

    If some truly unfortunate calamity were to strike the fly-fishing filmmaking industry, and only one artist could soldier forward and make movies about our beloved pasttime, my secret hope is that that one artist would be Todd Moen. Fly fishing, perhaps because many consider it an art in and of itself, lends itself to artistic…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Strip…

    Damn it's cold outside, right? When these deep freeze "bomb cyclones" dip into the normally temperate climes of the American South and leave us all chilled to the bone, I tend to start surfing the travel sites for great deals to points south. Way south. Tropical south. And that, of course, makes me think of…