
Video spotlight | Page 30

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: River of Life

    Todd Moen's latest fly-fishing film is a story of three women and their fights with breast cancer. It's a sobering reminder that, while the "river of life" moves on, some of us fall victim to the cruelest of conditions. And, yet, some find ways to persist, and for these three ladies, fly fishing proved to…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Hopper Madness

    This is exactly what I needed today, a couple of days after an Arctic blast huffed and puffed and left my streets and icy mess. We're months away from "hopper time," but a guy can dream, right? Hopper Madness Fly Fishing from Lone Peak Outfitters on Vimeo. I love fly fishing with fat, foam hoppers.…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Swing Season—the Slow Down

    What happens when fishing guides come to the realization that Olympic Penninsula steelhead are in trouble? Renowned steelhead guide Gray Struznik and his community of like-minded brethren on the OP realized that, as fish escapement numbers on fabled local rivers failed to meet goals for proper recruitment that replenishes the population, it was time to…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Touching the Sun

    I bought a mountain bike last spring with the intent of riding some backcountry trails to fishy haunts, and while I got out a few times, I didn't use it nearly enough. Maybe next summer. It's not an outlandish idea, biking to backcountry fishing. The video above shows two anglers who loaded their bike paniers…