
Video spotlight | Page 34

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: 24 hours in L.A.

    Say what you will about the urban nightmares that await the casual visitor to Los Angeles. Traffic and congestion are a given, virtually around the clock. It's pricey to visit—nothing comes cheap. Depending on where you go, it's a bit gritty. But it's a vibrant city, with a lot happening—the good that comes with the…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Fly Fishing Yamsi

    Fly fishing spring creeks comes with its own challenges. Usually, the water is uber-clear—and if you can see the fish, they can probably see you, too. They require long, delicate casts, spot-on presentations and no small amount of luck, particularly in high sun. Video of Fly Fishing Yamsi - Oregon Spring Creek by Todd MoenWell,…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Welcome to Iceland

    Good fly fishing films not only show good fly fishing. I think a good film is more than just great eats, tailwalking fish and unreal cinematography. I think a good film makes you think. Video of "Welcome to Iceland" Full FilmIn the full version of "Welcome to Iceland," (above), the German anglers who crafted the…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Toe to Toe

    From the Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself Department, I offer you this: A new Orvis film about a remarkable woman who had polio as a child and now goes fly fishing ... with her feet. Video of ORVIS Presents: Toe to ToeMary Loudder is pretty pragmatic about her disability. She's lived a lifetime with paralysis…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: High country, long wands

    A few years ago, I had the amazing opportunity to visit the east coast of Australia and tour some river and estuary restoration projects in New South Wales, while speaking with Aussie anglers about conservation and restoration when it comes to fishing. It was an eye-opening experience, and I was fortunate to meet some people…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Fix

    About this time every year, anglers in Idaho start watching the numbers of steelhead topping Bonneville Dam on the Columbia. Every steelhead bound for the Gem State has to pass over Bonneville Dam and several more dams, including four on the Lower Snake, before finding their way into the Salmon and Clearwater rivers to spawn…