
Video spotlight | Page 36

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Making it Yours

    Participating in the Wyoming Cutt Slam Challenge is not just about catching the four native species of cutthroat trout in the Cowboy State. It is about making lifelong memories with special people while attempting to catch the fish. On a recent Seedskadee Trout Unlimited member fishing trip Reid Odde reflected on his experience of completing…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Epic fails

    We've all been there. But, thankfully, for must of us, nobody was standing by with a video camera. And, for those of us who've never been caught on camera failing miserably while fishing, we have this to appreciate. I've endured my share, for sure. I took a fly deep in the flesh of my forearm…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Limay River, Argentina

    A few years back, I had the good fortune to fish the Limay River in Argentina's northern Patagonia region. It's a sweeping desert tailwater absolutely loaded with large trout. To this day, the 27-inch brown trout I brought to hand is my largest trout. I also landed a 25-inch brown and was in the boat…

  • Video spotlight

    Video Spotlight: The Beiarn Project

    We talk a lot about "sustainable development" in the conservation arena. The notion that human progress need not impair or impede the natural order of our rivers is perhaps one of more attractive ideals within the growth and development fields. And, make no mistake, we have the ability to protect our watersheds while we continue…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Saved by Axe

    The horrors of war hit those who fight them hardest. And they don't just get left behind on the battlefield. They haunt our veterans every day. Fly fisher Chad Brown is a decorated Navy veteran who suffers from PTSD every single day. He served in Iraq and Somalia, and while those places are half a…