
Video spotlight | Page 38

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Catch

    When I was 13, I had a tackle box that awkwardly attached to the handle bars of my old 10-speed bike and my rod would break into two pieces, allowing it to stretch parallel to the handle grips. With the bike, the rod and the gear, I had glorious freedom. But in East Texas, a…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Arctic Seasons

    Fly fishing filmmaking has come a long way in a relatively short time—the advent of DSLR cameras, drones and even the GoPro and the immitators have made the craft accessible to a lot of anglers. But not everybody does it well. In fact, I'd suggest a small handful of filmmakers really knock it out of…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Cosmo

    The Seychelles might be the farthest-flung fishing destination for North American anglers. It's Indian Ocean waters, well off the African east coast teem with fishy denizens, ranging from giant trevally to bonefish and other sight-casting prizes. Video of YETI Presents: CosmoIn the video above, YETI takes a look at Cosmoledo Atoll and takes a shot…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Fish of a Lifetime

    Extreme angling is all the rage these days—films of anglers chasing strange fish in far-flung places grace the internet with regularity. But the film below chronicles perhaps the craziest angling I've ever seen. Aussie surf casters chasing cobia in the rocky surf show that, indeed, the boys Down Under are serious about their fishing. Video…