
Video spotlight | Page 41

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Wader Makers

    If you're like me, you value good gear—stuff that lasts as long as the pricetag indicates it should last. I'm on my third summer with a pair of Simms G4 stocking-foot, zipper-front waders, and they've yet to let me down. They will eventually—wear and tear gets to everything. But when they do, it's comforting to…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Caddis, Caddis, Caddis

    Sometimes the bugs that make Mother's Day famous for fly fishers don't adhere to the calendar, but it's generally pretty close. From the Arkansas the Yakima to the Henry's Fork, the first couple weeks of May typically mean it's time for caddis flies. I had an epic caddis day on the Warm River, a tributary…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Sallee Boys

    Ah, sibling rivalries. Anybody who has a brother or a sister understands exactly what it's like to compete with those closest to you for everything from the food put on the table at night to the fish that come to hand. Meet the Sallee brothers—one is a musician and the other is robotics application engineer.…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: WWHD Pebble Mine

    In today's polarized political landscape, it's not uncommon to have federal agencies and their directives change drastically when administrations change. Take the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, and its findings in 2015 that hard-rock mining in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed would likely prove harmful to the region's salmon runs—it's home to half of the world's…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Trout of steel

    The rainbow trout fishery of Bristol Bay is simply legendary. With hundreds—maybe thousands—of miles of salmon streams that flow from the headwaters of the drainage to the sea, it's easy to see why rainbow trout are so vibrant and plentiful, given the food base. Alaska Sportman's Lodge, run by all-star TU volunteer Brian Kraft, is…