Querencia: A love of place
In 2011, when I was still president of New Mexico’s Santa Fe (Truchas) Chapter, I was approached by Nick Streit, president of the Taos (Enchanted Circle) Chapter and owner of the Taos Fly Shop, about restoring a section of the Red River in Questa. The Red had been a workhorse for several decades, impacted by…
Take a child fishing and make a difference
By Mike Enos The bobber began to twitch and then it submerged twice just before taking off in an arc across the glassy surface of the lake. Just as her line, seemingly possessed by a supernatural force, started to move, the quiet was pierced by my 8-year old granddaughter’s high-pitched squeal of excitement. Avery, whose attention had…
Trout art and paraphernalia
When I was young, our family had a condo in a nearby ski town that was affectionately known as the ‘hatchery’ due to the copious amounts of trout art and decorations adorning the walls and tables. I recall attempting to count them at one point, but I couldn’t keep up, especially since I knew of hidden pieces I drew on the studs…
Meet the Bristol Bay guides working to stop Pebble
It’s the job of the guide to know the river. It's the job of the guide to know which fly a fish will go after. It’s the job of the guide to get that killer picture of their client holding their catch of a lifetime. It’s also the job of the guide to know what threatens the fish, recreation opportunities and economic drivers in…
Still on top
Efforts to fix habitat are as much for people as they are for the planet It’s legislature season in New Mexico, a time I’ve come to abhor for how it represents my species and, perhaps more likely, my deficiencies as a chess player. Sausage making is a circus, spectacular flights of ethical and logical acrobatics…
Missouri launches Blue Ribbon Trout Slam
By Kyle Pokorny Anglers creating a list of states to fly fish for wild rainbow trout on pristine streams will not likely consider Missouri as a worthy candidate. However, you would be remiss to leave Missouri off the list entirely. The state of Missouri has within its borders nine Blue Ribbon streams that are home…
Skate punks and disc golf
In praise of urban trout streams The thought occurred to me while I was fishing under the Highway 20 bridge over the lower Yuba River in California’s Gold Country. To reach the water I had crossed a floodplain so altered by quarrying, mining and off-road vehicles that it more resembled a moonscape than a functional…