Bait fishing for trout
A couple summers ago, I was fishing Eagle Rock Lake near Questa with a bubble and fly rig on a spinning rod, and was doing well enough to attract the attention of several nearby children who were having a tough go. Eventually they asked me what I was doing, and I showed them. We took turns with my rod for…
The gift of fishing
By Charlie Perry Trips to waters filled with trout were the norm of my childhood. Summer adventures in Yellowstone. Weekends spent in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah. Holidays fishing the Green River in a deep red rock canyon below Flaming Gorge Reservoir. These were special places for my family. I have many cherished memories…
Fishing with Jedis
The thing about fishing with true Jedi Masters is that, (a) you never know when they’re watching, and, (b) because of (a), you can get tight and make the kind of technical errors that will elicit commentary, even from the most laconic of partners who would otherwise prefer to spare you the humiliation. So it…
An ode to Doug Rohrer
By Rob Shane Doug Rohrer came into my life about a year and a half ago, on a Friday afternoon in June, on the side of a dirt road in the Poconos. I was on my way to Hancock, N.Y., for another weekend of fishing the Delaware River when I slammed on my brakes, threw…
Adventure fishing delivers
Going deeper always pays As snow falls gently from the sky and piles up enough to snowshoe and ski (and shovel), I can’t help but think about the places fishing took me over the warm summer months and where I’ll seek out trout next summer. There’s something about seeing snowflakes gently cascading down that makes me excited for adventure…
Reminiscing on the Roadless Rule
A TU staffer in Alaska takes a look back at her 2015 summer working in Southeast Alaska, and how she saw the benefits of the Roadless Rule through a tourism lens.
Monday’s walk to work was a different one than normal. The past few weeks it has been pretty classic Anchorage winter weather- cold, snowy and incredibly dark. But yesterday, I walked out my front door in my puffy coat and snow boots and immediately turned around to exchange my outerwear for a raincoat and Xtra-Tuffs. Still pitch…
Remembering Russell Chatham
Editor's Note: Few people have had more influence on steelhead fishing and its proponents than author and artist Russell Chatham, who passed away recently. Chatham's writing, painting, and appearance in films helped promote both the art and science of fly fishing for steelhead and the growing sense of loss as steelhead runs in coastal streams…