The Dark Side
The author's brother, gone over to the Dark Side. Last week I went to what my brother and lifelong fishing partner calls “the Dark Side.” That would be fishing in warm, still water for largemouth bass and northern pike, mostly with conventional tackle. We always get a laugh out of this, because neither of us…
On grayling and guilt
Returning to the valley a year after surgery. The way I figure it, they probably stopped her heart around 1 p.m. The bypass machines kicked on and in my mind they sounded like the soothing white noise of a ceiling fan. Peaceful. I don't know if a person subconsciously takes in any noise during surgery,…
Small-stream tactics in the age of non-native invasives
Native Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Contrary to many conservation-minded anglers, I am one who believes that, along with cockroaches, coyotes and Siberian elm trees, brown trout will survive the apocalypse. They possess many of the traits we Americans admire most: they are intelligent, confident, adaptable, rugged, ambitious and breathtakingly handsome. And for the time being…
The Stream That Shall Not Be Named
The author and Cassie after the chase on The Stream That Shall Not Be Named. You know how it is when you develop an intimate relationship with a place. Especially if that place has large, lovely wild trout. You start to feel a sense of ownership—and a distinct reluctance to share it with anyone beyond…
The fishing derby
I was around 8 or 9 when I last participated in a fishing derby. Whenever we had a big runoff and the city let the Santa Fe River run, Game and Fish would make some pools with sandbags and dump in a few loads of stockers. The river was just a block away from my house,…
Tangle Lakes
We were headed northbound for our second wedding anniversary. We had a van full of fishing gear and were set to explore fresh water that had been on the hit list for years. My wife, Brittney, and I were all smiles. What started as a seemingly innocent rhythmic vibration in a wheel upon rolling into…
Raising Them Right
Most recently, this little douse of hope arrived at the TU office in Anchorage.
By Nelli Williams As a parent, it often feels like a bit of a crapshoot when it comes to making decisions about raising kids. I am sure many of you who have been there (or are in the thick of it) are familiar with the little voice in your head that’s constantly questioning your moves. Was that the right…