Summer steelhead on a skated fly
Editor's note: This is the second of two posts on skating flies for summer steelhead from the director of TU's Wild Steelhead Initiative. Go here to read the first. Recently, I shared some thoughts on the gear, techniques, and stream knowledge you might need to fish for summer steelhead with a skated fly—one of my…
Bugs Unlimited
As TU founder Art Neumann famously stated, “Take care of the fish and the fishing will take care of itself.” But we’re predominantly fly fishing, after all. So what about the bugs? Who’s looking after them? As it turns out — on the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, anyway — the U.S. Geological Survey is doing just that. It may mark the dawn…
According to one stereotype, a rancher’s commitment to the lifestyle is mainly self-serving. The fences they build are as much to keep the public out as to detain resident wildlife (translation: elk) for the purpose of selling high-dollar hunting opportunities. When not dewatering streams, they restore and stock them for their own fishing pleasure and that of paying anglers in search of lunkers in a crowd-free…
The problem solver
My buddy Dennis is a nuclear engineer. He travels the globe through his job and works with disparate foreign governments who are turning to nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. One of Dennis' many jobs is to help those governments test various nuclear fuels for efficiency and power production, and to help them…
The Sulphur Comparadun
With the sulphur hatch in full swing in the East, sometimes matching the hatch can be impossible. Instead, offering something just a little different to picky trout can be exactly what the doctor ordered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp4rV1PYPHM Above, Tim Flagler ties his Sulphur Comparadun, which could be that "something different" when hundreds (or thousands) of mayflies are…
Skating flies for summer steelhead
If “the tug is the drug” for anglers swinging a fly for wild steelhead, then bringing a surface-snarfing summer steelhead to a skated fly is crack cocaine. There is no bigger adrenaline dump than seeing the glass-smooth surface of a tailout explode as a 10-pound native summer steelhead pounces on your hapless little skater. “Skaters”…
June is not a large horse. Really, she may be only a few inches over a large pony. In honesty I don’t claim to understand horse dimensions, but it’s fair to say that a very tall man could probably touch the ground with tip toes. A body traveling from her back to the ground would…