Voices from the River: The art of the hamster toss
By Shauna Stephenson If I’m in the presence of other humans – which, working from home, I rarely am – and we’ve been drinking (which, with two young children, is always a tempting way to solve one’s problems but as most moms can attest, that glass of wine isn’t nearly as nice when someone is…
Voices from the River: Keeping the Faith
Nick Halle, TU's volunteer operations coordinator, kept at it even after falling in over his head and was rewarded with this nice buck steelhead from Ohio's Conneaut Creek during a recent TU staff steelhead outing. By Mark Taylor “I’ve lost all faith.” The admission came from Keith Curley as we stood in the snow on…
Voices from the River: Bug life
By Toner Mitchell Your best arguments are the simplest ones. Water, including anything you dump into it, flows downhill. Katrina, Sandy, Harvey and Maria comprise a trend. California and the burning mountain west comprise a trend. God didn’t create all these species so we could destroy his good work. You are sincere, yet careful about…
Voices from the River: Solstice
By Scott Willoughby I’ve never really been what the gang over on Santa Claus Lane might describe as “Christmas-y.” But I’ve always thought I’d make a decent pagan. Never having formally studied paganism, I’m not entirely sure why, although I do enjoy hanging out in the woods quite a bit, especially over a good Yule…
Voices from the River: 36 hours (part II)
Editor's note: This is the second in a two-part series. Read part one here. By Eric Booton While we didn’t beat the sun to the punch, we still rose early the next morning, thankful for being a literal step from the river and having 12 hours left in our adventure. I spotted our Danish friend,…
Voices from the River: 36 hours (part I)
Editor's note: The following is the first of a two-part series. By Eric Booton The Trout Unlimited Alaska office is appropriately located on the shore of Anchorage’s Lake Hood, a hub for float plane traffic and a persistent reminder of the wild lands accessible in mere minutes, if you have the right transport for the…
Voices from the River: Counting coho in Russian River floodplains
By Charlie Schneider Note: California’s Russian River is famous among anglers for its steelhead fishery, but in recent years this watershed has been the focus of an intensive effort to recover coho salmon, now one of the rarest native fishes in California. TU grassroots and programs such as the Coastal Streamflow Stewardship Project have been…