Voices from the River:
Heidi Lewis, far left, took her friends Heather Hodson, Jen Ripple and Geri Meyer (left to right) on a Utah Cutthroat Slam adventure this summer. Courtesy photo. By Heidi Lewis When Heather Hodson calls I know things are about to get good. I don’t see her often, but when I do it typically means we…
Voices from the River: Dry line dedication
Promising water for dry line steelheading. Note: Nearly three-quarters of all wild steelhead populations in their native range along the West Coast and in Idaho are threatened (TU's CEO, Chris Wood, just penned this post on the recent closure of the winter steelhead season in Idaho due to low returns). TU and Wild Steelheaders United…
Voices from the River: Where gratitude flows
Chulitna River. Photo by Laura Bartholomae By Jenny Weis For those of us in this community who fly fish with any regularity, it’s safe to say we’re pretty lucky. To go fishing is to set aside a few hours just for fun. It’s for breathing fresh air. For taking advantage of clean rivers, access to…
Voices from the River: The falcon, part 1
Voices from the River: Citizen scientists work to protect their home waters
Each week, dozens of volunteers head afield in the East as part of Trout Unlimited’s citizen science efforts. In the mid-Atlantic region much of the effort has been focused on TU’s shale gas and pipeline monitoring efforts. Jake Lemon, who heads that program, recently reached out to three dedicated volunteers to find out what drew…
Voices from the River: Pondering gratitude
We'll always have to fight for our public lands, but we should be grateful we have them in the first place. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Scott Willoughby It has been said that the hardest math to master is the ability to count our blessings. Funny enough, I’ve never been particularly good at math. That’s…
Voices from the River: Wader season
By Toner Mitchell The boy is back in school, the trees around his soccer field the same blazing gold as the cottonwoods alon g the Rio Grande and the flanks of the brown trout bucks I’m hoping to catch there. The aspens, now bare, were equally stunning a month ago when I hiked up in…