Voices from the River: Tell me a story
Hillary and youngest daughter, Susie, fishing on the Green River. Photo courtesy of Hillary Walrath. By Hillary Walrath “Mommy, tell me a real story from when you were a kid.” Recently, my oldest daughter became obsessed with me telling stories before bed. I started with fairy tales of make-believe but one night I was tired…
Voices from the River: Luck versus Skill
Luck, or skill? In the case of exceptional anglers like the Steelhead Whisperer, it's mostly the latter. By Jim Burns Consider how much of your fly fishing is skill, how much is luck. This summer I excitedly boarded a plane with my fly tube and sat down, expecting nothing more than a peaceful flight, but…
Voices from the River: Community Fishing Day
Russian River Falls. Photo from Flickr Creative Commons By Jenny Weis I was momentarily upset when a member/supporter event for work, “Community Fishing Day,” got scheduled the same Saturday as Ladies Backpacking Weekend. Summer goes by so fast, and with visitors, salmon fishing, travel and jam-packed calendars, it’s not uncommon to seldom see your Alaska…
Voices from the River: Precious time
By Chris Hunt I've never been much of a public speaker. It's just not my thing. But when my sister-in-law asked me to speak at my brother's funeral ... well, you don't say 'no' to that. In truth, I sobbed my way through the eulogy—Brice was my little brother, and while I could handle the…
Voices from the River: The spiritual value of steelhead
Jerry Myers gives his grandchild Elkan a perfect perch to enjoy fishing with his grandpa. Courtesy Jerry Myers. By Jerry Myers I am an Idaho salmon and steelhead angler edging into my 6th decade. What I am witnessing this year feels uncomfortably similar to the despair of the mid 1970s and early 1990s. Wild steelhead…
Voices from the River: A reincarnated trout?
Photo courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife. By Garrett Hanks Extinction, as the saying goes, is forever. Reincarnation? Let’s just say the jury is still out. But the case for rebirth grew significantly stronger over the summer when Colorado Parks and Wildlife confirmed the rediscovery of a native trout species long considered extinct. Thanks to a…
Voices from the River: Grazing reality
By Toner Mitchell Livestock grazing has always played a leading role in shaping the image, if not the substance, of America. Evidence is everywhere from the burger in your hand, the jeans covering your butt, possibly your favorite pro football team (“America’s Team”), to the truck you drive “til the cows come home," even if…