Voices from the River: Call me an angler
By Jenny Weis “My boyfriend didn’t teach me that!” was the way I indecorously retorted when a guide complimented my cast, saying, “Dang, your boyfriend must have been giving you some tips.” He meant no harm. But I’d known how to cast long before I met my boyfriend. My friend Nanci taught me years prior,…
Voices from the River: How it starts
By Sam Davidson A few years back I saw a post on one of my social media feeds from a guy I know named Gabe. It was an image of a letter he had written to his mother from Salmon, Idaho, when he was a kid. This short note to a distant mom—with affection appended…
Voices from the River: Field day
About 800 miles from the ocean, high on the western slope of Lolo Pass, king salmon cling to life. By Warren Colyer You never know quite what to expect at a project site. And that’s one of the things I love most about my job. Granted, I don’t get too many field days anymore. It…
Voices from the River: Fisherman’s Nightmare
By Scott Willoughby They call it Fisherman’s Nightmare. And as scare tactics go, it’s as accurate as it is effective. Floating into the chaotic jumble of rocks and water that serves as sentinel to the Colorado River’s daunting Gore Canyon, it’s easy to imag ine how the rapids earned their name. Dropping precipitously from the…
Voices from the River: In praise of railroads
By Toner Mitchell Conservation-oriented anglers have at least a foggy idea of what American landscapes and waterways have gone through on their way to their current state. Since Europeans first landed here, we have generally grazed, logged, mined, drilled, dammed, channelized, polluted and otherwise dewilded our natural estate to within an inch of its life.…
Voices from the River: If the weather holds
By Chris Hunt Several years ago, I hosted a colleague from D.C. here in Idaho in mid-September, a generally dependable time of year for decent weather, solid fishing and some of prettiest fall colors of the season, especially in the high country. And it snowed.
Not just the little early-season squall—a full-on dump… -
Voices from the River: Stream stories are still being written
The balance between infrastructure needs and the power of nature is a delicate one. By Jake Tomlinson Writing a story is not an easy task for me. I am not a polished writer or blogger. I don’t have any experience posting on various social media platforms. Words do not seem to flow effortlessly to paper.…