Voices from the River: Yellowstone promise
A native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. A backcountry treasure. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Chris Hunt Who knows how many times I'd driven over the little creek as it flows southeast through an arched culvert toward its eventual confluence with the mighty Yellowstone River. A hundred? At least a hundred. And every time, I made a…
Voices from the River: A picture not taken
The sun sets on an epic day in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited. By Brett Prettyman Years ago, when I was starting out as an outdoors newspaper reporter, the editor looked at my request for a photographer to go on a 40-mile backpacking trip for six days and laughed. “Take a…
Voices from the river: Creekin’
Creekin' on public lands in the central Sierra. By Sam Davidson
Voices from the River: Redemption
By Jenny Weis This’ll be one of my shortest blog posts. For pertinent background information and full appreciation of what follows, first check out this post from earlier this season. (TL;DR: I came so close to catching a great rainbow trout on a beautiful river, on a perfect evening, but it eluded the net and…
Voices from the River: Connecting with brook trout on PA odyssey
The PA Brook Trout Odyssey Team: Charlie Charlesworth (left to right), Hunter Klobucar, Chris Piccione, Matteo Moretti, Sara Mueller, Tyler Waltenbaugh. By Matteo Morretti Not very often does a college kid get told that they’ve been selected for an all-expenses paid, three-week long adventure. So, you know that when four passionate, engaged, and, frankly, pretty…
Voices from the River: The opener
By Eric Booton The countdown begins every winter when I receive my Trout Unlimited calendar (thanks TU!). I immediately spend several minutes noting the important dates, trips and plans that need to be remembered; several of which are the closures and openers of my favorite Alaska fishing holes. I am surrounded by, or just a…
Voices from the River: Proud Wyoming Women’s Retreat
Katy, with support from her friend Tiffannie, was able to land this beauty of a brown trout at the last bend before the boat ramp during the Women's Fly Fishing Float. Photo by Miguel Valdez. By Sadie St. Clair When the Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited started the annual Women’s Fly Fishing Float five years…