Voices from the river: Derek’s water
Upper Klamath Lake and one of the many fine spring creeks in this area. By Sam Davidson My first fishing experience on a true spring creek was in the upper Klamath River basin in southern Oregon. I knew little ab out such waters in those days. I took a detour while on a long road…
Voices from the River: The familiarity of the Kenai
By Jenny Weis The familiar routine of hooking up the boat to the hitch took only a couple minutes. By the time I was done, my friend Sam had met me at Eric’s house and I was pleased, but not surprised, to see him holding a box of donuts. We had a couple-hour drive ahead…
Voices from the River: The things we take for granted
By Kyle Smith For the past month, residents of Salem, Oregon (I'm one of them) have been warned against drinking water from our taps and have been advised to obtain drinking water commercially or from a number of water fill stations set up across the city by Salem's Public Works Department. Salem's drinking water comes…
Voices from the River: A family gets dirty for conservation
A father and his daughter work to plant willows along the Esther Simplot Park in Boise, Idaho. David Garman photo. By Kira Finkler Some say families that get dirty together stay together. If that is indeed the case my family will be a tight-knit bunch for a long time. On a recent cool and cloudy…
Voices from the River: Return to No Name Creek
By Chris Hunt In early summer, No Name Creek is Irish green. It boasts a flourish of grass and bright yellow balsam root. Wild iris and sticky geraniums add color to the mix, but mostly, it's just impossibly emerald green. There's a spot on a little plateau that overlooks the creek, where native Snake River…
Voices from the River: A salty fix
Platter-shaped spadefish are incredibly strong, and great in fish tacos! By Mark Taylor During an interview a number of years ago with a very successful tournament bass angler, the man leaned in and asked in a hushed tone, “Can we go off the record?” “I guess,” I replied, expecting him to give me some inside…
Voices from the River: Water wolves
By Eric Booton I hear the dark call of a common loo n behind me as I cast and can’t help but recall the family trips in Wisconsin and Minnesota where the song of a loon was as important to my grandma Betty as catching a fish is to me. Just one loon or one…