Voices from the River: Lessons from ‘Curtis Creek’
By Eric Booton Learning to fly fish is always a mild struggle-fest. I personally endured the process with choice words, and extended periods of time with my rod catching more dust than fish. In the past few years I’ve watched friends and family go through a similar love and hate relationship with their fly rod,…
Voices from the river: Snake season
Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again. - —Gautama Buddha By Sam Davidson Recently I saw a post on social media reminding people that as spring comes on strong, so do snakes. The post offered visual proof (see above) of this, in the form of a…
Voices from the River: The boat guy
Photo by Mike Sepelak By Chris Hunt FOLKSTON, Ga.— I've never been a boat guy, choosing instead to find my best fly fishing using my two feet, usually after driving to the end of the road, and then wandering on a bit farther to the water few others bother to reach. It's a preference thing.…
Voices from the River: Dressing up for conservation
Helping organize rallies, like this one at the Idaho State Capitol, to show elected officials how sportsmen and sportswomen feel about legislation is an important part of the politics of conservation. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Waders and work boots are the uniforms people typically think of when they envision Trout Unlimited staffers, members…
Voices from the River: Black water
By Chris Hunt The first time I visited a blackwater swamp, I was probably about 12. My dad rented a little jon boat from the marina near Uncertain, Texas, and he manned the tiller as we glided over the glassy waters of Caddo Lake. I was instantly enchanted. At the time, 35 years ago, East…
Voices from the River: Lessons from the Past
By Mark Taylor Back when we were enjoying an exceedingly mild February, plenty of friends were confident spring had arrived early. I knew better and, sure enough, March has been a lion here in Virginia. With actual trips to the river pretty much on hold due to snow and cold, I’ve instead been living vicariously…
Voices from the River: Feeling the weight
“Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, inciting at once to work and rest! Days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God. Nevermore, however weary, should one faint by the way who gains the blessings of one mountai n day; whatever his fate, long life, short life,…