Voices from the River: The altruistic angler
The Steelhead Whisperer, on his home water, in his characteristic pose. By Sam Davidson Apparently I like to observe important fishing occasions by making other anglers feel better about themselves. 2017 was a case in point. I ended the calendar year, and the 2016-17 winter steelhead season (in March), in the same fashion: by going…
Voices from the River: The Bend
By Dave Ammons My earliest memories of The Bend were of grand childhood adventures. We skipped stones, a challenge in riffles and rapids. We built rock rings to hold small fires where we cooked hot dogs on sticks freshly snapped and stripped from a willow on the bank. We s plashed at the water's edge…
Voices from the River: Give the gift of fishing
Planning a fishing trip may be the best gift you can give this Christmas, or any other time of the year. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman Each year about this time a deluge of emails hit my personal inbox. The majority of them come with the subject line “Last Minute Gift Ideas”. Like many…
Voices from the River: A man for all seasons
Dean Finnerty, man for all seasons. By Sam Davidson Many people working for TU did not start in trout and salmon conservation. Among the former corporate lawyers, loggers, resource age ncy staff, newspaper reporters, and outdoor educators now employed by TU, Dean Finnerty joins a select few who previously worked in law enforcement. Dean grew…
Voices from the River: The ROI of poppies
By Dave Ammons For about two weeks in late June, the garden off the cabin deck explodes in the brilliant red-orange shades of the Papaver rhoeas, common poppies whose seeds were first sown in that spot by my grandfather years ago. I imagine him scratching the soil, strewing a few handfuls of seed indiscriminately, perhaps…
Voices from the River: Frightful fishing
By Mark Taylor During a visit last summer to the stomping grounds of my youth, the family and I found ourselves not far from one of my favorite fishing spots, a small pond at the site of a long-ago razed lumber mill. “I want to show you guys a place where Grandpa Steve, Uncle Greg…
Voices from the River: Something worth fighting about
One on a fly, one on a lure. Does it matter how you catch it? By Chris Hunt Maybe it’s a sign of the times. Or perhaps it’s a permanent change to our national psyche brought about the relative anonymity that comes with free-wheeling access to social media coupled with a polarized political landscape. But…