Voices from the River: ‘What were you thinking?’
by Chris Hunt There's a great little run on the South Fork of the Snake that's only wadable when water managers lower the river in the fall, after harvest is all but done and the demand for downstream water subsides a bit. During high summer, with the river literally the potential energy for Snake River…
Voices from the River: One big, angry fish
This hefty Virginia wild brown trout didn't hit a tiny midge. It hit a big streamer. By Mark Taylor My brother is five years my junior but that didn’t stop us from being competitive as kids, especially once he transformed from a skinny grade schooler to a surly teen. Our tiny shared bedroom was the…
Voices from the River: Superstition in a carafe
Voices from the River: Of bonefish and Gunsmoke
William Conrad as Marshall Matt Dillon By Chris Hunt Years ago, when I worked as a journalist on the North Coast of California, I got into the habit of falling to sleep to the sounds of old-time radio.Stan Freberg—a Radio Hall-of-Famer—hosted a nightly show on one of the AM stations we could pick up in…
Voices from the River: Public discussions on Lahontan cutthroat and a new beer
Doug Ouelette, Sagebrush Trout Unlimited Chapter board member, with a 21-pound Lahontan cutthroat trout caught at Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Courtesy photo. By Brett Prettyman If you dream of landing big trout chances are you have heard of the mighty Lahontan cutthroat of Pyramid Lake in Nevada. While the native fish approaching 30 pounds are…
Voices from the River: Looking both ways
The Sabine River in East Texas.
Voices from the River: Going with the Flow
A handful of the large crew that fished Virginia's Smith River prior to TU's national meeting in Roanoke. By Mark Taylor As Trout Unlimited’s annual meeting drew near, a few of us involved in the meeting anxiously watched weather forecasts. We wanted rain. Not during the meeting itself, understand. But prior to it. It’s been…