Voices from the River: Kids and expectations
By Nelli Williams I frantically dug through a pile of clean laundry that had been sitting on the recliner all week (OK, maybe more). I was searching for two kid-sized wool socks—we had at least a dozen, so why I couldn’t find two was beyond me. Victorious, I found one in the pile and the…
Voices from the River: Mourning summer
By Chris Hunt As Phoebe danced around the truck, anxious to start the walk up the familiar trail past a few bends in the creek, I donned my wading sandals for what would almost certainly be the last time this year. I was in a gloomy mood. Changing seasons, earlier sunsets and, of course, the…
Voices from the River: Conservation moment of truth
By Brett Prettyman MILLCREEK CANYON — The moment of truth. It comes with the first spoonful of a new chili recipe delivered at a family hunting camp. The first cast to slurping trout on the hand built rod on your favorite water. Waiting to see if the patched hole in the waders is stream worthy.…
Voices from the River: Heat Wave
Finding refuge from the heat, Stanislaus National Forest. By Sam Davidson Across the country, summer is prime time for trout fishing in the mountains . At higher elevations you typically get relief from sweltering lowland temperatures and find the kind of small water-wild fish opportunities that are, in some ways, the heart and soul of…
Voices from the River: Bullish on hope
By Chris Hunt The sun filtered through the smoky haze, casting a tarnished glow over the high-country meadow in remote central Idaho. The state’s tallest peaks climbed through the murk, showing up more as silhouettes rather than snow-tipped crags in the near distance. Ma ny miles away, both human-caused and naturally ignited wildfires consumed timber…
Voices from the River: Facing change on the home creek
By Mark Taylor “We’re moving.” My parents delivered the news to me and my sister in the spring of 1986, while we were away at college in the Midwest. While it was a little odd to think that I’d never go back to the home I grew up in, I was excited about the new…
Voices from the River: Spawn ’til you die
By Eric Booton Chrome. Silver. Red gold. All the worthy descriptions of fresh, wild Alaska salmon imply monetary value, and for good reason. Here in Alaska, wild salmon attract tourists from around the world. These trusted fish provide employment for guides, commercial fishermen, processors, chefs, pilots and many others. In the final frontier, salmon, fortunately,…