Voices from the River: The ONE bug
By Kirk Deeter I love off-beat, impossible-to-answer questions like these: What fly pattern do you think has caught the most fish in the history of the world? What do you think is the most common fly in the boxes of anglers throughout the world? Of course, I always get the “If you had ONE fly…”…
Voices from the River: A brother’s smile
By Chris Hunt Declan’s not quite 4, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t understand that his dad is dying. I’m sure he realizes that things are a little different with his father. The rest of us wander his world with little in the way of fanfare—we arrive on our own two feet and, a while…
Voices from the River: Seeing is Believing
There is a 3-pound bass and two 18-inch trout holding under this forked snag. Seeing them is one thing. Catching one is another. By Mark Taylor I got back to my home office from lunch today to find that my copy of TU’s new book, “Trout Tips,” had arrived. This had been a working lunch,…
Voices From the River: Hand-me-downs
I grew up chucking big Rapalas and Beetle Spins at bass in farm ponds and lakes in Kansas—it was a great way to learn some basics of casting and working a lure. I remember my Dad (who in most respects is not a patient man) patiently showing me how to tie an improved clinch knot…
Voices from the River: Bring a bag
By Eric Booton It’s spring again and it’s hard to sit still. I am at the point where I am hoping for one more powder day on skis but would be more than content with the warm weather and soft water. I was at a similar point last April. The snow was starting to melt…
Voices from the River: Pushing the season
(Above) The Lost River Range rises in the distance. Photo by Rachel Andona. (Below) The campfire, where winter washes away. Photo by Cameron Hunt. By Chris Hunt I’ve been known to push the season. As a newspaper reporter some 25 years ago in Buena Vista, Colo., I showed up to cover an April town council…
Voices from the River: Enhance your skills at fishing shows
Jason Dyer working on his casting while on a fishing trip in Canada. Agustina Boitano Davidson photo By Jason Dyer I grew up on the East Coast and fished a lot of small streams and deep hidden ponds in the White Mountains during my adolescent years. I did do a fair amount of surf casting,…