Voices from the River: Knocking on Heaven’s Door
by Sam Davidson Maybe the most difficult thing about being an avid winter steelhead angler isn’t the guaranteed frigid digits, abominable weather, mostly blown-out rivers or the challenge of actually hooking one of those transcendent slabs of muscle. For me, anyway, it is coming to terms with March 7, and the increasing probability of wearing…
Voices from the River: On Bigfoot and catch-and-release fishing
Flipping through the television channels the other night, I noticed a promo for “Killing Bigfoot.” It apparently isn’t enough to just find that son of a gun anymore. I wonder… if someone actually does kill Bigfoot, would that be treated as a homicide or simply poaching? Some states might want to start selling Squatch tags,…
Voices from the River: The case for (sometimes) using spinning gear
By Mark Taylor The reaction was subtle but obvious. A sideways look. A head shake. A grimace. Then came the single word. “Really?” my buddy said looking at the fishing rod in my hand? We were loading up for a short float-fishing trip on a mi d-sized Virginia trout stream. My friend had a couple…
Voices from the River: Blame Sam
By Eric Booton I don’t consider myself a big drinker. There are few nights that I will have more than a beer o r two. But there is one thing I truly enjoy about my days on the water. And that is indulging myself in a nice, refreshing gulp after that rush of the first…
Voices from the River: Rethinking my fishing vocabulary
A brook trout falls for a Royal Coachman, a fly many believe is a "killer pattern" for backcountry trout. Should we redefine our angling lexicon? By Kirk Deeter I received an interesting message the other day from a good friend of mine, who basically asked me to reconsider words like “killer” or “deadly” in my…
Voices from the River: It’s up to us to get the lead out
Cameron Hunt cradles a big mirror carp from the Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge in Idaho. By Chris Hunt My conservation mentor is a hunter who occasionally fishes. I, on the other hand, am a fisher who will tote a gun around looking for birds on occasion. Both of us have had the same conservation epiphany…
Voices from the River: Conversations on ice
The end of great day of ice fishing on the St. Louis River in Duluth, Minnesota. Brett Prettyman photo. By Brett Prettyman DULUTH, Minnesota — You learn a lot about someone while sharing a space the size of a row of three airplane seats for eight hours. A dd fishing chatter to the mix, particularly…