Youth Community Conservation

Grand Valley State U film crew highlights Green Team

Students in the Producing for Clients class at Grand Valley State University spend a semester working with nonprofit organizations to create a video that serves the needs of that organization.  

This fall, GVSU had a campus-wide focus on water-related issues so students teamed up with Trout Unlimited’s Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative to produce a video that could help enhance their work.  

They created a video to highlight the Green Team, a program in partnership with the Plaster Creek Stewards where high school students work in the summer to do watershed restoration and receive valuable job training in green infrastructure as well as exposure to environmental justice issues.  

Trout Unlimited staff are so thankful for the hard work of the GVSU students who produced this impactful video. We are excited to present it to the community and funders to highlight the Green Team and gain support for this important program that has employed 84 students since it began in 2013. 

— Jamie Vaughan 

By Mark Taylor. A native of rural southern Oregon, Mark Taylor has lived in Virginia since serving a stint as a ship-based naval officer in Norfolk. He joined the TU staff in 2014 after a 20-year run as a newspaper journalist, the final 16 as the outdoors editor of the Roanoke Times. A graduate of Northwestern University, he lives in Roanoke with his wife and, when they're home from college, his twin daughters.