Here at Trout Unlimited we are proud to say our organization was formed on the banks of the Au Sable River in Michigan. Locals boast (and rightly so) that the Au Sable is the best brown trout fishery east of the Mississippi.
Michigan’s TU chapters are named after conservation heroes like George Griffith, Art Neumann, and Leon Martuch (also a founder of a little company called Scientific Anglers). Each summer, there’s a Hexagenia mayfly hatch of such proportions that it can be seen on Doppler Radar. And what about the Michigan TU volunteers? They’re the finest group of trout-huggers you’ll ever meet.

That’s why the Headwaters Youth Program is excited to announce the Teen Summit will return to the birthplace of TU in 2020. Twenty-five teen leaders, along with Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers, will explore Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula in the context of TU’s rich conservation heritage and history. We’ll spend time with our partners from Scientific Anglers and our friends in the local chapters. It’s gonna be a good one, folks.
So, if you know an exemplary teen involved with TU, they may be eligible to join us at the national TU Teen Summit, a conference for young anglers and conservationists.
The leadership-conference-meets-summer-camp event is a 5-day educational retreat designed for young women and men who love fly fishing, are conservation-minded, and have been involved with Trout Unlimited through a youth camp or chapter. Teens discuss relevant issues facing coldwater conservation and are empowered to problem solve around challenging ideas. At the Summit, teens are immersed in a supportive community of young anglers and leave with fishing friends scattered across the country.

Applications for TU’s national Teen Summit are available now until Monday, March 2. The application, along with a Fact Sheet and FAQ, can be found on the website. Not all teens who apply are accepted to the summit. Approximately 25 applicants will be accepted based on five criteria: 1) involvement with TU and/or community service 2) leadership potential 3) commitment to conservation 4) interest in fly fishing and 5) strong references.
Contact Headwaters Staff for more information or to learn how you can support the Summit.
Not ready for the Summit? If you know a young person that is interested in learning to fly fish or wants to get involved with Trout Unlimited, a regional youth Trout Camp is a great start. Look for the camp listing in the Winter Issue of TROUT magazine and check out the list to see if there’s a regional camp near you!
Tara Granke is TU’s Headwaters Youth Program Coordinator and lives in Asheville, NC.