Advocacy Dam Removal steelhead

How do we bring back salmon and steelhead on the Lower Snake?

So it turns out Rep. Mike Simpson isn’t messing around.  

In February the Idaho Congressman announced intentions to finally tackle the decades-old problem of declining salmon and steelhead populations in the Lower Snake River. Scientific consensus points to the four Lower Snake Dams as the prime culprits. 

In a video to the public, Simpson announced his intention to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the Lower Snake River while investing in the future of the Pacific Northwest. 

“We should not manage salmon just to keep them off the extinction list. We should manage them to bring back a healthy, sustainable population in Idaho,” Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) 

If you have followed the saga of the demise of salmon and steelhead on the Lower Snake you know without a doubt that this is BIG NEWS – news anglers have been waiting to hear for decades. 

As Congress wraps its collective mind around necessary infrastructure upgrades, as demonstrated by the recent disaster in Texas, we can only hope that the removal of these aging dams make the final list of “to dos,” as we prepare for a future with clean energy AND fish. 

If you want to jump in to that campaign (and we highly suggest you do), check out our Lower Snake page and make sure you send a note to your delegation. It’s going to take all of us to get this thing over the finish line.

Then take a moment to check out TU’s latest video, Time for Bold Action

By Shauna Stephenson. Shauna Stephenson has been a writer, photographer, communicator and conservationist for nearly two decades, the past decade being spent at Trout Unlimited, working on projects…