The science is clear on suction dredge mining

Two bills will move through the Washington legislature this session with the goal of updating the state’s laws protecting its fish and waterways from impacts of suction dredge mining. Though you may see comments from a select few upholding the activity, the science is incredibly clear on negative impacts it causes to our already-stressed fish populations.

TU project opens blocked trout habitat in NH

By Colin Lawson A recently completed Trout Unlimited project in Pittsburg, N.H., reconnected over 4 miles of high quality coldwater habitat for native brook trout populations in the Upper Connecticut River.  Trout Unlimited reconnected Tabor Brook to the main stem of Indian Stream, which will now allow brook trout to access headwater habitat for both fall spawning and

On behalf of Bristol Bay, we’re headed to court

Today, Trout Unlimited announced that we are suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over their decision to withdraw protections for Bristol Bay that were established in the 2014 Bristol Bay Proposed Determination. These protections would have limited how much the proposed Pebble mine would be allowed to impact the world-class salmon and water resources of the region. 

Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections

October 9, 2019  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Contact:   Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO, (571) 274-0601  Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska program director, (907) 230-7121  Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections  Sportsmen argue EPA ignored sound science, prioritized advancement of Pebble mine over fishing industry.  ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Trout Unlimited, represented pro bono by Sheppard, Mullin,

Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:   Chris Wood, Trout Unlimited CEO, (571) 274-0601  Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Alaska program director, (907) 230-7121  Trout Unlimited sues EPA over removal of Bristol Bay protections  Sportsmen argue EPA ignored sound science, prioritized advancement of Pebble mine over fishing industry.  ANCHORAGE, AK – Trout Unlimited, represented pro bono by Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton