From Bigotry to Brook Trout

We’ve all heard stories about the healing power of water and fly fishing. At Trout Unlimited, our chapters and volunteers devote significant resources to helping physically and emotionally wounded veterans heal from the horrors of war. But it’s more than that. Ask any die-hard fly fisher why they fish, and, after getting through all the

Bipartisan effort needed to protect Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

By Taylor Ridderbusch   For the third consecutive year, the Trump Administration’s budget proposal looks to cut critical programs that protect and restore coldwater resources and that form the foundation of multi-billion dollar commercial and recreational fishing economies.   The proposal would significantly cut funding to the EPA and other agencies, essentially eliminating programs such as the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI), Section

Great Lakes Newsletter, Winter 2019

Trout Unlimited’s efforts in the Great Lakes region continue to expand and 2018 was a big year for accomplishments in both the field and in advocacy efforts. TU staff and volunteers worked on dozens of major stream restoration, protection and reconnection projects in the region. TU’s active involvement in important issues helped move the needle on issues

The end of the world as we know it

Maybe the most etherial flight from Denver follows the spine of the Rockies, the high Divide separating east from west that limbos beneath the Gulf of Mexico and winds its way through the isthmus of Panama, into the South America and on down to the curling tusk of Cape Horn.

NE Oregon program

The Blue Mountain and Idaho Batholith Ecoregions in NE Oregon and SW Washington provides habitat for numerous threatened and endangered trout and salmon. Trout Unlimited (TU) focuses our work on four of its most critical river basins – the John Day, Umatilla, Grande Ronde, and Clearwater. Each of these watersheds is a stronghold for resident