Upper Klamath Basin

Trout Unlimited was a lead negotiator and signatory to the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement under which PacifiCorp will be removing four obsolete dams on the Klamath River. The dams cut off fish access to more than 400 miles of upstream rivers, including spring-fed climate refugia in the shadow of Crater Lake. They also have a

Highlights aplenty in New Hampshire in 2018

Trout Unlimited’s staff had a busy year in New Hampshire in 2018, spending some time monitoring previously completed projects, installing new projects, and evaluating opportunities for new projects in 2019 and 2020.  From site visits, to completing field surveys, to conducting eight community workshops, TU staff did a little of everything in 2018.   One major project that consumed a lot of hours for the

Mine Drainage Cleanup in Pennsylvania: Perseverance pays off in the Potts Run watershed  

By Rachel Kester   As a college intern at the Clearfield County Conservation District, I first sampled Potts Run in the summer of 2002 as part of an assessment of Clearfield Creek, a tributary to the West Branch Susquehanna River in northcentral Pennsylvania.    Potts Run sticks in my mind because after spending all summer sampling streams degraded

TU works with towns in NY to improve habitat, bolster flood resiliency 

By Tracy Brown  Trout Unlimited uses many strategies to improve trout habitat. Around the country, Trout Unlimited is teaming up with local towns and partners to survey road stream crossings and identify priority culvert replacement projects that will benefit trout and improve flood resiliency.  In New York, TU is engaged with several towns in the Hudson River Estuary.  Towns

Fly Fishing Film Tour features ‘The Return’

By Brett Prettyman Each year about this time fly fishers find inspiration to stock those boxes they had grand intentions of filling over the winter months. It is called the Fly Fishing Film Tour, also known as F3T. What started as a celebration of a beloved sport has grown into an annual event drawing anglers

Nevada Spring Creek Water Rights Purchase

Nevada Spring Creek

In Montana, TU staff secured stream flows on a comprehensively restored stream, Nevada Spring Creek, in the Blackfoot River sub-basin. Nevada Spring Creek, along with Wasson Creek, which flows into it, form a critical reconnect for a long-lost population of fluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the middle-Blackfoot drainage. This project assures stable flows and temperatures in a

Voices from the River: An autumn break

By Mark Taylor As the sun dipped toward the western horizon on a relatively mild early January evening, I sat in what had become a pretty familiar position over the previous few weeks. In a tree. These were the waning days of deer season and I was doing my best to tag a whitetail. Here