Boats Featured

A floating hot tub, snow-kayaking and a real paper canoe

When your life revolves around the fishing industry, creating boat content for a conservation organization, and maintaining a few too many boats of your own, you come across some pretty funny and entertaining stuff on the internet. This week I thought I’d share what I’ve stumbled across recently. Enjoy!

The first is just genius. It’s called “HotTug,” and is a floating wood-fired hot tub propelled by an electric motor.

Dutch designer Frank de Bruijn was looking to create an experience of freedom and relaxation in Rotterdam in the Netherlands — a very crowded city. Given his enthusiasm for bathing, saunas and boats, he develops the HotTug prototype — the world’s first electric propelled and wood-fired sailing hot tub. Frank intended the HotTug for his own use, but it soon became clear that many people loved the idea and wanted to sail in it.

Not only can you rent these things in Rotterdam, but if you want to franchise them–that’s available too.

The next little item is Spanish pro kayaker, Aniol Serrasolses ripping up some South American powder — in a kayak. Take a peak below.

Lastly Kiwi David Parker spent his coronavirus lock-down building a canoe out of newspapers headlines about COVID-19. Literally, it’s made of newspapers. Check out the time-lapse explanation below.

A paper canoe, made during lock-down.