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How to use your oars

I know… the title of this post seems silly. One would think it’s pretty straight forward, and it is.

Until, you start learning new specialized techniques and pushing yourself into more difficult whitewater situations. Or maybe you’re are just starting out rowing. It’s always nice to have some basic information to rely on. While we fully intend to start doing more how-to content an here on The Thalweg, I thought I’d share a great resource from our friends over at NRS and their collection of content over at the Duct Tape Diaries.

Friendly, insightful and inspiring, Duct Tape Diaries celebrates the can-do, will-do spirit of NRS and our friends in the boating community.

This specific post is titled “Guide School: Using your Oars and focuses on the equipment, forward strokes, backstrokes, turning strokes and shipping your oars.” They go in to the pros and cons of oar rights, pin and clip type setups for your oars and a multitude of techniques from pretty straight forward stuff to more complicated ferrying maneuvers.

If you’re interested in learning something new or are just starting out in a boat head on over the to the Duct Tape Diaries and check out this insightful post on using your oars.