Josh Duplechian on a photo shoot in southwest Colorado. Scott Willoughby photo.
As a rule of thumb, the media team at TU doesn’t talk about itself–we’re in the business of making great content and putting the spotlight on other people who fix and protect rivers.
But as editor-in-chief of TU, I am grateful every day for the talent I get to work with (in-house and freelance), and every once in a while, I can’t help but trumpet the accomplishments of one of our own. Not just as a matter of pride, but also so our audience and would-be contributors understand just how high the bar is set.
Photographer and filmmaker Joshua Duplechian is charged with telling the Trout Unlimited story one campaign and grassroots member at a time. As the senior producer for Trout Unlimited, Duplechian oversees the visual components that go into telling our collective story. A rich history in newspaper photojournalism propels his stories of people and place; this includes having been team photographer for the Colorado Rockies, and working for ESPN, the New York Times, the Denver Post, the former Rocky Mountain News, the NCAA and others. He’s covered the X Games and the NCAA Final Four, and his work for TU has earned the highest accolades within the outdoor media community.

Josh, who also writes a weekly post for our Thalweg section, recently was honored by the Outdoor Writers Association of America with first-place “Excellence in Craft” honors for:
- Photography Essay for “Querencia,” which appeared in the Winter 2020 issue of TROUT magazine;
- TV/Video/Web in the Fishing category for the film “Anadromous Waters” on steelhead in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska
And he also won the very prestigious President’s Choice Award for TV/Video/Web for Anadromous Waters.
Very rarely do you find an artist who works at the top level in both still photography and video, at the same time. We’re lucky to have one of those rare talents in Josh, and we’re proud of him!
Now… Josh… about that next assignment…