Trout Magazine

  • Trout Talk

    On native trout, wild browns, and common sense

    TU has done more to protect and sustain and restore native trout species than any other organization, and it’s not close.

    It’s always good to chat with my old friend Tom Rosenbauer, host of the Orvis Fly Fishing Podcast. Apparently, the episode we did together last week caused a few folks some concern because they couldn’t understand how I could like fishing for brown trout and other wild, though non-native fish, and at the same time…

  • Science From the field From the President

    Under the hood at TU

    From stream restoration to species recovery, science drives Trout Unlimited Three of the greatest days of my professional career spanned from a Friday afternoon to a Monday morning. On the Friday, Jack E. Williams, one of the pre-eminent aquatic scientists in the country and at the time the head of the fisheries program for the…

  • Boats

    Caption this photo; win some gear

    By Tim Romano This week we're going to launch an occasional Caption Contest series here on The Thalweg. The idea is pretty darn simple.  I'll post an image — most likely something goofy or with a little humor in it — and you all write your best captions for said image. You can write as…

  • Trout Talk

    Two short films very much worth watching

    Snowy winter days don’t necessarily blot fly fishing from my mind—in fact the opposite often holds true. Winter is film season, and here are two gems with great purpose and conscience, supported in large part by my friends at Costa. Mighty Waters features legendary Bahamian guide Ansil Saunders, who guided Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.…

  • From the field

    Future of the Yellowstone

    Winding streams, abundant wildlife, and year-round beauty. The Yellowstone River is as iconic and awe inspiring as it gets. Flowing 660 miles from its origin in Yellowstone National Park to its confluence with the Missouri River, the Yellowstone rises and falls, untamed by any dam. The river is the very essence of wildness, yet it…