Using invasive species in your holiday snack plans
Instead of salmon, consider using invasive brook trout or rainbow trout in a holiday cheeseball like the one above. Photo courtesy of Flickr.com. Like most avid fly fishers, I release most of the fish I catch. But for several reasons, I have stopped looking at fishing from a numbers perspective, and I'm harvesting more fish…
Protections for Bristol Bay back on track
Photo by Fly Out Media On Friday of last week, the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska overturned the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) 2019 decision to withdraw the Bristol Bay 404(c) Proposed Determination, putting back in place science-based limits on large mine waste in the headwaters of Bristol Bay. This victory concludes a two-year-long lawsuit by Trout Unlimited and comes in the wake of a recent ruling in…
TU’s Drew Peternell asks for Coloradans to speak up on Water Plan
Community Agriculture Alliance: Common ground on water As originally printed in the Steamboat Pilot & Today on November 3, 2021 Unless you’ve been avoiding the national news in recent months, you are well-aware of the ongoing drought gripping the Colorado River basin. In September, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared a Stage 1 water…
Oregon conservation groups, timber interests reach historic agreement
The State of Oregon is justifiably famous for many things, among them its world-renowned salmon and steelhead fisheries. But a slew of impacts, including hotter and drier conditions associated with climate change and harmful timber practices (especially on private forest lands), have diminished many of Oregon’s salmon and steelhead runs. Late last Friday, eighteen months…
Caring for and recovering priority waters
Here lies the promise of our plans to develop a shared agenda of priority waters.
The secret sauce of Trout Unlimited is the fact that we enjoy a grassroots network of volunteers with deep roots in their communities and incredible passion for the waters they live, love and fish. Their knowledge, energy and passion are strengthened by hundreds of professional TU staff—biologists, restoration practitioners, water lawyers, organizers, and scientists. These staff are…
TU expands Brook Trout Conservation Portfolio approach with new Great Lakes tool
Sage investors know that maintaining a diversified portfolio is a key to smart investing. Trout Unlimited is expanding on its application of that philosophy to the way it is investing in native brook trout restoration and protection to reduce risk and increase resilience in brook trout populations. TU recently developed a Brook Trout Conservation Portfolio tool…
Low light is trout-watching light
The gnarled, dark brown bark of cottonwoods lining rivers throughout the west make the yellow leaves glow in the sinking sun. And that low sun has other advantages when it comes to fishing. As I approached the water, I saw the tell-tale signs of fish working the water column. Mostly it was dorsal fins cresting…