Trout Magazine

  • Community Youth

    The student becomes the master

    The 2021 Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy. Photo by Rich Johnson. The Bristol Bay Fly Fishing and Guide Academy is one of Trout Unlimited’s pride-and-joy programs in Alaska. Together with the Bristol Bay Native Corp. and the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust, and a slew of local lodge owners, retired fisheries biologists and…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Starting over before an Alaska fishing trip

    Rather than an orderly collection of streamers, Gurglers and Egg-sucking Leaches, it looked, as I explained to my friends on a group chat as we planned out the week ahead, like the dog had coughed up a flamingo

    A rebuilt fly box for a trip to Alaska. When the old fly box just won't cut it anymore When I booked a place to stay in Southeast Alaska for this coming week, I still had eastern Idaho carp on the brain. Like a lot of anglers, I have a running "fishing calendar" — a…

  • Trout Talk Trout Tips

    Remembering John Merwin and lessons learned

    I remember the first time we met in person. We were at a fishing trade show, and Merwin ordered me to lunch. I was pretty nervous because everyone at the magazine had told me what a tough customer he was. And sure enough, he was no more than a sip into his martini when he criticized the most recent story I had written

    I was cleaning up my office the other day, and chanced upon a book that made me smile. It’s a copy of John Merwin’s The New American Trout Fishing, given to me by my wife as a birthday present, not long after the book came out in 1994. The book made a tremendous impression and influenced…

  • Unique partnership spurs effort to restore Alaskan salmon stream

    Resurrection Creek, on the north end of the Kenai Peninsula near the community of Hope, still shows scars from placer mining that occurred more than 100 years ago

    By Austin Williams  Many anglers think of Alaska as pristine and untouched, and, while much of it is, it also has a long and rich history of resource development that contributes to the culture, character and camaraderie still present at the core of many Alaska communities.    More than a century ago, salmon canneries and fish…

  • Restoration

    Snorkeling in frigid water, jumping jacks and a successful restoration project

    By Jacob Fetterman  Fish data, specifically trout population data, is integral to Trout Unlimited's work.   Earlier this summer, I was brainstorming how we could ensure we are properly monitoring trout numbers in relation to the Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative.  The Battenkill Home Rivers Initiative is a concentrated effort to protect, reconnect and restore the Battenkill watershed. It brings TU’s national mission to a…

  • I have the world’s best fishing dog

    Tahoe is the world's best fishing dog. The perfect mix of Labrador, pit bull and some who-knows-what hunting dog, his genetic make-up sets him up for fishing success from the start. His Lab parts like being in the water, his pitty parts prefer perching on a stream-side rock, and his hunter instincts provide him just…

  • Boats Fishing

    PSA: This ‘boat blog’ has a name

    Way back in March I wrote my intro to this platform that I’ll post again below. Hopefully it resonates with a few of you and is providing some entertainment. We try not to take ourselves to seriously and would love some feedback if you have a second.

    It’s called The Thalweg and I only bring it up because it’s been a few months since we launched and wanted to reiterate our mission statement of sorts. We also want to know what the audience was liking or disliking as well as what you all want to see and hear more of. I'm having…