Trout Magazine

  • Fly tying Featured

    Tying the Tailout Sculpin

    With low, clear water in most free-flowing trout rivers across America, it's a good time to throw streamers that resemble sculpins, a common food source for big trout when the fish are concentrated in main river channels during late fall, winter and early spring, before rivers rise during runoff. Above, TU's Nick Halle ties…

  • Conservation Featured Government Affairs

    The courts, the EPA and the Clean Water Rule: where we stand now

    What is happening:  On Oct. 21, a federal district court overturned and invalidated a Trump-era regulation that eroded state and Tribal authority to protect water quality. The now invalidated “2020 Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule” (2020 Rule) gutted (or imposed significant revisions to) Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, a regulatory tool…

  • Trout Talk Boats

    TU senior producer honored by OWAA

    Josh Duplechian on a photo shoot in southwest Colorado. Scott Willoughby photo. As a rule of thumb, the media team at TU doesn’t talk about itself--we’re in the business of making great content and putting the spotlight on other people who fix and protect rivers. But as editor-in-chief of TU, I am grateful every day…

  • TU Costa 5 Rivers

    Trout Unlimited’s college clubs hit trashy waterways during Trout Week

    Students from the University of Georgia during filming of "Pick the Dang Stuff Up!". Courtesy photo. University of Georgia Costa 5 Rivers club leads #CleanMyWater campaign A strong conservation ethic runs deep among the students and faculty at the University of Georgia, particularly within the fly-fishing community. So, when Trout Unlimited recently launched our inaugural “Trout Week” celebration…

  • Conservation Advocacy Government Affairs

    Conservationists: Energy development strategy should be done responsibly

    As originally printed in the Casper Star Tribune Public land, natural resource use or development, and wildlife are all integral parts of our culture and livelihoods in Wyoming. After a century of trying to balance the protection of Wyoming’s people, water, air, land and wildlife with the impacts and benefits from energy production, we’ve learned…

  • Fly tying Trout Talk

    The easiest mouse pattern you’ll ever tie

    I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I should be tying for this sure-to-be-epic adventure in the Andes, and I got back a single-word reply from one of them: "Mice."

    A quick-and-easy adaptation of the Morrish Mouse. All photos by Chris Hunt. I'm headed down to Chilean Patagonia early next month — I'll leave the chill of Idaho's autumn for spring in the Southern Hemisphere, all for some trout fishing based out of Magic Waters Lodge. I asked my long-time fishing buddies what flies I…

  • Boats

    Stop apologizing and start asking questions

    I wouldn’t call myself an expert boater. I don't row the biggest lines or guide anglers on famous stretches of fabled trout water. What I can do is get my family and friends safely down most stretches without significant issues. Surprisingly, I’ve rowed for very few anglers in my seven years behind the oars. Our…