Trout Magazine

  • Advocacy Featured

    United by Hope: Bristol Bay dialogues

    A month from winter solstice, Dillingham, Alaska – where the Nushagak River dumps into Bristol Bay – was dark, quiet, and chilly last November. Snow and wind blew across the surrounding tundra not far from her windows when texts started flooding into Alannah Hurley’s phone. The news: A major permit for the proposed Pebble mine…

  • Trout Talk

    Slice the wind with a compact cast

    Earl Harper prepares to cast to permit on the Berry Islands. Chris Hunt photo. I have the good fortune this week to among the first guests at the new Soul Fly Lodge on the Berry Islands in the Bahamas. Here’s a bold prediction: in the next five years, this place will be known as the…

  • Community Featured

    TU 2021 Sweepstakes winners announced

    Healing Waters Lodge, Twin Bridges, Mont. Congratulations to the winner’s in TU’s latest Sweepstakes event. The Grand Prize winner, Y. Makita of New York, gets a four-day, five-night adventure for two at Healing Waters Lodge in Twin Bridges, Mont. First-prize winners P. Schmalz, R. Gneiser and M. Clemente each will be awarded a Winston AIR…

  • Fishing

    Everything you wanted to know: Coastal cutthroat trout

    Coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) Species summary and status: The coastal cutthroat trout (CCT) is located in watersheds from California to Prince William Sound in Alaska. However, several populations in western Oregon are thought to be at moderate risk of extinction, because of ocean conditions and habitat-related problems.  Coastals have dark green backs with olive…

  • Fishing

    ‘We need to know what we’re working with’

    How citizens and scientists are joining forces in Washington to fill in the blanks on coastal cutthroat trout Editor’s note: Daniel Ritz is fishing across the Western United States this summer in an attempt to accomplish the Master Caster class of the Western Native Trout Challenge. He will attempt to land each of the 20 native trout species in their historical…

  • Conservation Government Affairs

    Congress needs to act on climate change to protect fishing, outdoor economy

    As I drove down to the river access, I couldn’t help but notice the expanse of sun-bleached stones signifying lower-than-usual flows.

    My dog, Cooper, gave me a plaintive stare as I loaded up the truck on a chilly May morning, the dawn light just beginning to break over the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Normally my German shorthaired pointer is a fixture on all my fishing trips, but on that day I was planning to wade the…