Everything you wanted to know: bull trout
Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Species summary and status: The bull trout was once found throughout the Columbia River Basin, east to western Montana, south to northern Nevada, west to California and possibly as far north as southeastern Alaska. The main populations remaining in the lower 48 states are in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, with…
Anglers, hunters and outdoor recreation companies to Biden administration: The dams must come out
The hunting and angling community is opening a new front in the campaign to restore Snake River salmon. This month, Trout Unlimited joined dozens of fish and wildlife groups and major outdoor recreation companies in calling on the Biden administration to develop a comprehensive solution to the collapse of salmon and steelhead populations that includes…
How to use your oars
Learning new rowing skills is key to helping boaters grow and become more adept on the water
I know… the title of this post seems silly. One would think it's pretty straight forward, and it is. Until, you start learning new specialized techniques and pushing yourself into more difficult whitewater situations. Or maybe you're are just starting out rowing. It's always nice to have some basic information to rely on. While we…
When in doubt, scout it out
There comes a time in our rowing careers where we find a groove. We've been there and rowed that many times over the course of 10 years or more. That experience level may make us more proficient at rowing trickier water but it can also make us all a bit overconfident which can lead to…
Horsing around with native cutthroat trout in Great Basin National Park
Bonneville cutthroat trout wait in Snake Creek before being loaded on horses and mules for a ride to Johnson Lake. Brett Prettyman photo. Biologists ask riders to move trout to sanctuary in Great Basin National Park Editor's note: Our "American Places" series highlights lands and waters that make this nation unique. These places are near…
The best month of the year
So… if I could pick one month to fish anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, it would start now…. This is what I consider the “golden month.” Granted, it isn’t a “calendar” month, per se, but it is the best month to be a die-hard angler, in many places in America. Mid-September to mid-October. This is…
Boat Books: Drift Boats and River Dories
Roger Fletcher's book, Drift Boats and River Dories sat on my shelf for many years before I actually picked it up and leafed through it. Why I waited so long I couldn't tell you — I think at first glance it looks like a dense, "how-to" dictionary on wooden boat building. Which it is. In…