Trout Magazine

  • Boats Fishing

    onX works for boating and fishing too

    I’m guessing that by now most of you have heard of a super handy GPS mapping app called onX. It was developed mainly for hunting many years ago and originally used physical cards you inserted into a GPS. Fast forward a decade and it’s the #1 Hunting GPS App you can buy on your smartphone.…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Fishing the pegged bead

    It's the pegged bead — the target of much derision from the purist crowd, but an oft-used technique to catch big trout and char when salmon eggs are in the water

    A Dolly Varden caught on a pegged bead.

    A nice Dolly Varden that fell for a pegged bead. Chris Hunt photo. The ethics and the logic examined Fly fishing is a craft that appeals to the purist in all of us — the notion that fooling a fish by casting something that resembles that animal's natural food source without resorting to bait is…

  • Trout Talk

    Five tips to land trout in a timely manner

    Fact: the faster you land a fish, the better the odds of survival. Here are five tips to help you turn a 15-round heavyweight boxing natch into a shorter, tougher MMA fight... and win more often than not. — Use 5X or stronger tippet. I know, there are times when you really feel fine 7X tippet…

  • Trout Talk

    From the TU forum to a real-life fishing trip

    Ken Deaver shows his new fishing buddy, Jim Aylsworth, where to cast on a small headwater stream in Montana. Jim Aylsworth photo. The older I get the more I appreciate a good friend. A recent study by Dr. Marisa Franco published in Psychology Today concluded men have fewer close friends in comparison to women.  For several years, I have participated in an online…

  • When the monsoons finally come

    My son was invited on a boating trip to celebrate a pal’s birthday. The original plan featured a lake about an hour away, but since that one had dried up, they drove three hours farther to a reservoir near the Texas border. It’s flat out there on the plains, but back here in Santa Fe,…