Trout Magazine

  • American Places

    Can National Monuments protect America’s best hunting and fishing spots?

    Some of the best fishing and hunting opportunities in the United States are found in our national monuments. National monuments—sites and landscapes with unique historic, cultural, scientific, geologic and ecological values—can be created either by Congress or by the President through the Antiquities Act of 1906. Hunters and anglers, outdoor recreation interests, tribes, local businesses…

  • Restoration

    Landowner “Lunch and Learn” highlights Driftless stream restoration

    Without willing, conservation-minded landowners, very few stream restoration projects would happen in the Driftless Area.    Over 90% of Driftless trout streams flow through private land, so building relationships and educating landowners about the benefits of stream restoration are critical first steps in assuring that stream restoration work will continue.  With this reality in mind,…

  • A busy restoration season for TU in the Driftless Area 

    The summer of 2024 has been busy for Trout Unlimited staff and volunteers in the Driftless Area. Several projects were completed this summer and many more are in the works.    There was activity in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa this year, with work to remain underway until winter.   The most recently completed Wisconsin project was…

  • Climate Change

    Hurricane Helene—how you can help

    Hurricane Helene cut a path of immeasurable destruction—500 miles wide, more than the distance between Boston and Washington, D.C.—from the Great Bend region of Florida, through Georgia, into the Carolinas, eastern Tennessee, Virginia and beyond.  While we are still trying to grasp the tragic human toll and total scope of damage, it’s fair to assume…

  • From the President

    Blue Lines

    When I was first introduced to fly fishing by my friend, Bill Sargent, in Vermont, I fell in love with a whisper of a stream that flowed off the Green Mountain National Forest. The brookies were rarely longer than six inches, but the scenery and solitude made up for the lack of fish girth. It…